Power problems


Site goes down for a few hours every night, and voltage plots show it is the batter dying. Maybe it needs a reposition of the solar panels or another battery?

Sonic problems

tse07 10m

CSAT3 on port 1: reporting but all samples flagged as bad, even after a power cycle.

tnw11 20m

RMYoung on port 4 was stuck repeating the same message:

    0.00   0.00   0.00  -30.65   2
    0.00   0.00   0.00  -30.65   2
    0.00   0.00   0.00  -30.65   2

A power cycle fixed it.

rne07 20m

This is a CSAT3A IRGA. The winds and IRGA were bad most of the day, but it cleared up eventually.

4m.v07 and 4m.tnw07

As many as 80% bad samples, but in the last 6 hours of the day was trending down to 13%. Similar for tnw07 4m, 72% bad in the 3rd quarter down to 6%. Presumably there's nothing to be done about them but make sure they keep trending to fewer bad samples.

v06 20m

I was suspicious of h2o from the Licor on port 5 because of the number of NAs, but I've decided it looks fine compared to the others.

TRH problems

tse06 2m TRH

INEGI climbers replaced 1A fuse on port 0 and now TRH is working.

tse04 60m TRH

TRH on tse04t port 1 is out, power cycle does not help, so maybe it's a fuse or broken sensor.

tse04 100m TRH

TRH on tse04t port 3 was reporting messages with T=200 and RH=0:

    TRH111 200.22 0.00 45 0 6138 1879 141\r\n
    TRH111 200.22 0.00 44 0 6138 1879 138\r\n
    TRH111 200.26 0.00 48 0 6139 1879 150\r\n

A power cycle seems to have fixed it.

tse13 100m TRH

TRH on tse13t port 3 was having the same problem as 100m TRH on tse04:

    TRH56 199.07 0.00 30 0 6143 1862 95\r\n
    TRH56 199.07 0.00 31 0 6143 1862 99\r\n
    TRH56 199.07 0.00 30 0 6143 1862 94\r\n

Power cycle fixed it:

    pio 3 0
    pio 3 1
    rs 3
    TRH56 21.69 63.07 32 0 1535 116 101\r\n
    TRH56 21.73 63.07 30 0 1536 116 94\r\n
    TRH56 21.69 63.07 31 0 1535 116 99\r\n

Other problems

v04 Tcase.in

It was missing for most of the day, but it has since recovered.