Sonics and gas analyzers

tse07 10m sonic

Replaced and working.

rsw02 20m

Still down, still needs to be replaced.

v07 4m

Still suspicious. A plot of ldiag.4m.v07 over the last several days is below, and the bad periods look diurnal. Maybe a temperature problem? This is an RMYoung, so I can look for a working RMYoung spare with which to replace it.

v06 20m LiCOR

Still missing samples later in the day, but it doesn't look that bad judging from a plot of the last several days. I think lidiag is usually non-zero, so the only diagnostic that matters is how many of co2.20m.v06 and h2o.20m.v06 are missing.  It does look like it's getting worse, but I don't know of anything we can do about it since we have no spares.

TRH Sensors

tse04 and tse11 60m

INEGI will replace at least tse04 tomorrow.

Other issues

tnw08 Vdsm

Still not there.  Steve says we have no more voltage motes, so it will never be there.

LiCORs for rsw01 and rsw07

The ARL shipment did not arrive today. Chris says ARL is going to plan as if they won't arrive and make do with the instruments they have.