Sonics and gas analyzers

All sonics appear to be working. The new METEKs needed cal files, so the netcdf data prior to the cal file additions are probably missing values. I think we also fixed an inconsistency in the cal file paths, so sites with more than one dsm may not have been applying the most accurate site-specific boom bearings.

TRH sensors

No change.

Other issues


The radio continued to hang up rsync connections today, even after a few configuration changes to match it exactly with a working radio, rsw06. The latest attempt was to upgrade to the latest firmware, 8.1.4, but even that did not work. We may try adding another radio in its place.  This is being tracked in ISFS-152.

Generating stats_5min.xml

Isabel has written a python script to generate the stats xml file from the sensor list, to reduce the chance for human error in generating in manually. She found several missing TRH sensors and one sonic at the wrong height. Once we've compared the netcdf output using the generated xml file, the manual file will be replaced.