
To Add a Logbook Entry

A logbook entry is a Blog Post on this wiki. To add an entry:

  1. Login via the link at top right
  2. Select CreateBlog PostCreate at the top of the page.
  3. Enter a title, and contents.
  4. To aid in searching, add one or more labels from the following list: sonic, irga, trh, barometer, radiation, soil, power, datasystem, network
  5. If you make a minor edit to an entry or page, un-select Notify Watchers so that email notifications are not sent.
  6. Publish

It can take a few minutes before the new entry is found via the search tools, or listed in index tables.

Blog Posts is a click-able listing of the titles of all log entries.
To view all logbook entries inline, select on Browse -> Blog above.
See Email Notifications below, if you want to receive an email if someone adds or updates a page or blog entry.


As you add pages to your space, they will appear here in a page tree browser.

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To configure whether to receive email notifications of updates to this space, do the following:

  1. Login
  2. While viewing this page, click Watch in the top right menu bar.
  3. In order to be notified of all changes, including blog posts, select Watch all content in this space, or un-select it if you no longer want to be notified.