See notes on release schedule for Stage-1-6
In keeping with the CCSM/ESMF Stage 1 Architecture design document we propose the following framework:

ESMF Level Dynamics Component:

This level would only be used in atmospheric components that use ESMF. The initial Stage-1 would not include this level.

 use  camfvdyn_comp, only: fvdyn_init, fvdyn_run, fvdyn_final
 subroutine atmdyn_register
 subroutine atmdyn_init(  )
   call camfvdyn_init( dtime )
 subroutine atmdyn_run( )
 subroutine atmdyn_final( )
 !Specific dynamics level

 ! When dynamics types are available the following would be added
 use  camfvdyn_t, only: dyn_in_t, dyn_out_t