CLM Canopy Air Space Project

At last week's meeting we decided that I repeat the tests that I conducted last summer with the "toy model." I saved last summer's work at /home/bluesky/slevis/sib3/oldset. I started the new tests at /home/bluesky/slevis/sib3. The README describes the tests. I have written up the complete derivation of the matrix coefficients at /home/slevis/papers/clm4/pcas1.doc.
Sam (slevis at 11 am on Jan 31, 2006)
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Today Gordon, Mariana, Keith, Forrest, and Sam went over eqs. 1 and 2 (sections 2.1 and 2.2 of pcas1.doc).
Questions that arose:
1) Solve for Dtheta and Dq (as sib does for the coupled case) or use sib's offline method (ie set Dtheta=0 and Dq=0) or drop the equations altogether?
2) Where does the atmosphere forcing appear in the matrix equations?
3) How should we initialize variables in arbitrary initialization?
Gordon, Keith, and Sam continued the conversation in the afternoon. Our answers:
1) Do not solve for Dtheta and Dq. Ask Reto Stockli at the LMWG meeting whether we need sib's offline method (that sets Dtheta=0 and Dq=0) or we can drop the first two rows and columns altogether.
2) The atm forcing appears in Hn (sens heat flux at timestep n).
3) We will discuss initialization at the next meeting. I think that we have what we need to initialize variables at timestep 1.
At the next meeting we will discuss section 2.3 of pcas1.doc. Next meeting on 2/23 probably at 10 am.
Sam (slevis 3 pm 2/13/06)
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On 2/23/06 we decided that we needed to know more clearly which variables were involved in the right hand side (RHS) of the matrix. So we decided to expand the heat flux terms on the RHS of all equations. Also we decided to remove from the matrix the equations that were solving for Dtheta_atm and Dq_atm.
I have completed both tasks twice: Once in the toy model (details in /home/bluesky/slevis/sib3/README) and once in the technical description (now at /home/slevis/papers/clm4/pcas2.doc). I have saved the document in pdf (see attachment at the bottom of this entry).
Assignment: At the next meeting (3/6 at 10 am) we will go over my changes. See sections 2.1 and 2.2.
Sam (slevis 5 pm 3/2/06)
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On 3/6/06 we decided on a few additional changes to the tech note:
1) Add a bar over theta_atm
2) Add a subscript j in fwet and fdry and
3) Write the terms C_Tv_j in an easier way to understand. In the end I simply removed the confusing brackets and added the words "for j=1,2,...,npft" next to the relevant equations.
We also decided to add a comment in the "toy model" that would remind us for the bare ground case that
1) (rb .ne. 0.) and
2) Now we have both rah1 and rah2 defined
I have made the changes listed above. This probably concludes the review of eqation 1, so the assignment for next Monday's meeting is to go over eqation 2 for discussion.
Sam (slevis 5 pm 3/7/06)
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On 3/13/06 we went over eq. 2. We discussed reminders for the bare ground case that should be entered in the 'toy model' and I have added those:

For reference:

Gordon, Keith, Mariana, and I met.
We reviewed the changes mentioned in the last entry. We agreed that the scientific content of the tech note is sound.
We went over the main points in Reto's review of the tech note. We decided that I will reorganize the tech note according to his suggestions.
We will meet on Monday the 17th to discuss the next steps.
Sam (slevis 11:40 am 7/10/06)
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Today we assigned Forrest to look at the 'toy model' of the prog. canopy air space equations and compare to the tech note (latest posted version). Forrest will bring questions, concerns, feedback to the meeting next Monday.
Sam (slevis 11:40 am 7/17/06)
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After last Monday's meeting, I made the following changes to the toy model (slv16.F90):