AIRS decoder installed on hazel.mmm:/hazel2/auligne/AIRS_ret/decode_l2_airs (ZLIB, JPEG, HDF4, HDF-EOS libraries)

Two scripts are adapted from Hui-Chuan and located on hazel.mmm:/hazel2/auligne/AIRS_ret/

The following modifications have been made:

AIRS Level 2 Decoder Wiki Page

AIRS Level 2 (retrievals) HDF decoder



I have a script (attached, or in /mmmtmp/hclin/get_airx2ret.csh)
to download AIRS retrieval data in hdf format from NASA ftp and
group orbit-by-orbit files into tar files according to specified
time windows.

I use 'wget' utility I installed on my Mac to download data.

The script is kind of slow. You might have a better way of
downloading data.
The idea of my script is to first check the time info of the file
in its corresponding *.xml to decide if the file falls into the
desired time frame.

Anther script (decode_airx2ret_v5.csh) is used to convert hdf format
to little_r format.
The decoder src is in DATC_branch_code/convertor/decode_l2_airs,
but I don't think it works on IBM...

I can process the data for you, since the procedure is already set up
on my Mac.