The MusicBox code base can be found on GitHub.  That web page gives instructions for running in a Docker Container.

Modifying the Environmental Conditions or Initial Conditions

Follow the usual process for development in a docker container:

git clone --recurse-submodules

cd MusicBox

docker build -t music-box-test . --build-arg TAG_ID=chapman
docker run -p 8000:8000 -it music-box-test bash

Install ftp in the container.  Note that you are installing this in your container and not on your computer.  

dnf -y install lftp

Collect the environmental conditions file.  (These are time-evolving samples from a current-day simulation of CAM.)

cd /MusicBox/MusicBox_host/data/environmental_conditions 

lftp> cd micm_environmental_conditions

lftp> get

lftp> exit

Note that contains both environmental conditions and initial conditions for a several locations

Collect the initial condition.

cd /MusicBox/MusicBox_host/data/initial_conditions 

lftp> cd micm_environmental_conditions

lftp> ls

lftp> get

lftp> exit

In /MusicBox/MusicBox_host, edit the file MusicBox_options to point to your new data:

 ! input file path

env_conds_file = '../data/environmental_conditions/'

init_conds_file = '../data/initial_conditions/'

Then build and run. 

cd /MusicBox/MusicBox_host/src



Running the code in a Docker container, if you have no viewing tool for netCDF files

For a Mac, you will have to open up xQuartz to allow x11 connections.  This is a bit of a security hole.

On other machines you may have to do similar operations.

Build and run model

From the terminal execute the following:

docker build -t music-box-test . --build-arg TAG_ID=chapman
xhost +
docker run -it -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0 music-box-test bash
cd MusicBox/MusicBox_host/build
ncview ../

Running another mechanism tag (chapman) in the same Docker container

From /MusicBox/Mechanism_collection directory, collect the tag from, preprocess it to get the fortran for the solver, and stage it so that it can be complied.

./ -tag_id chapman
./ -mechanism_source_path configured_tags/chapman -preprocessor localhost:3000
./  -source_dir_kinetics configured_tags/chapman

From /MusicBox/MusicBox_host/build, compile the code and run it



Running the code in a Unix environment

There are many dependencies in a UNIX environment.  These are some of the dependencies that will need to be installed on your system.

Environments including these dependencies have been set up on and

Steps for accessing and running the code

git clone

From the MusicBox directory, collect the rest of the code base


Get the environmental conditions for the box, and configure a tag (272) from the cafe-dev web server:

cd Mechanism_collection
python3 -tag_id 272 -tag_server cafe-devel
python3 -mechanism_source_path configured_tags/272
python3 -soure_dir_kinetics configured_tags/272

Build the code

cd MusicBox_host
source etc/ -- or -- source etc/

rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build

cmake3 ../src/CMakeLists.txt -S ../src -B . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug 


Run the Code

Users may find it informative to check out the options for any of the above python scripts

python3 --help
python3 --help
python3 --help

Adding parameterizations using CCPP

MusicBox uses the CCPP coding framework.  This framework is meant to support "Plug-n-Play" for additional physical process parameterizations.  Users may wish to contribute to the MusicBox effort.

Adding a new scheme

The steps to adding a new MusicBox scheme are as follows:
* Create XXX.F90 and XXX.meta files (the fortran code and its accompanying metadata file)
* Use "type = scheme" in the metadata file
* Add the XXX.meta file to MusicBox_scheme_files.txt
* Add the scheme to MusicBox_suite.xml in the order in which it is to be run

## Adding a new ddt
The steps to adding a new ddt to MusicBox are as follows:
* Create XXX.F90 and XXX.meta files (a fortran module that contains the ddt and its accompanying metadata file)
* The metdata file will use "name = Name_of_your_ddt" and "type = ddt".
* Each element in the ddt will be documented with its local name, standard name, type, etc.
* Add the XXX.meta file to MusicBox_ddt_files.txt
* Add the ddt to MusicBox_mod.F90 and MusicBox_mod.meta
* The ddt can then be passed in/out and "use"d within any module