Variable naming conventions

Regardless of the file type that IODA will eventually use (currently netcdf), we want to use the netcdf-CF naming convention for variables inside the file. Unfortunately, the netcdf-CF convention doesn't cover the entire space of observations types meaning that observation variables that exist which have no corresponding netcdf-CF name. For these cases we should create names that are similar to those in the netcdf-CF set. For example, there is no convention for aerosol optical depth (AOD). netcdf-CF names tend to be full words separated by underscores (air_temperature for sensible atmospheric temperature) so AOD could be named aerosol_optical_depth to make it appear netcdf-CF-like.

Here are some links to the netcdf-CF website:

Following are tables that show the names we are using for variables in the observation files. We can update this as we add new obs types and new netcdf-CF names appear. The purpose of this table is to have a single reference for the names that we use for observation variables. Also included in the table are the names and types of units that go with the variable data.

These tables represent what we should be moving toward in the files. Currently (as of 3/8/19), we have a couple exceptions in our observation files that need to be corrected.

Data organization in the IODA file

For each observation data variable, it is required to provide an observation value, error estimate, and QC mark. These three quantities are marked with the "group" names ObsValue, ObsError and PreQC respectively. Observation variables are stored as vectors with a length equal to the number of locations (nlocs). A location is a unique combination of meta data quantities that specify the spatial and temporal location of the corresponding observation data. For integrated quantities (e.g., radiance, brightness_temperature, aerosol_optical_depth) each location is specified with a value for latitude, longitude and date_time. For point quantities (e.g., air_temperature, eastward_wind) each location is specified with a value for latitude, longitude, date_time and some form of vertical coordinate such as air_pressure.

In the IODA netcdf file the group names are designated by adding a suffix to the variable name where the suffix is composed of an "@" symbol followed by the group name. For example with the air_temperature variable, the netcdf file would contain three vectors named:

For satellite instrument observation data, there are typically multiple channels (representing different frequency bands) that each produce an observed value at each location. We are currently treating each channel as a separate variable so that these data can fit into the scheme of multiple vectors of nlocs length. By convention, the channel number is tagged onto the end of the name of the quantity being measured so that each channel has a unique name. Let's say we have an instrument yielding brightness temperature measurements that has 11 channels. The variable names we would use for the observed values would be:

JEDI has a channel selection mechanism that allows for the reading in of a subset of the channels available from a given instrument. This means that it is not necessary to store all channels in the netcdf file which will become useful when hyperspectral obs types come on line. 

Meta data that corresponds to locations, are stored in vectors (nlocs long) that use a "@MetaData" suffix. For example, the scan angle of an instrument would be stored in a netcdf variable named "scan_angle@MetaData".

Meta data can also correspond to the variables in the file. Using our satellite instrument example, there would be a total of 11 variables (nvars = 11) in the file. Meta data such and channel number and channel frequency would then be store in vectors that are nvars (11) in length. MetaData related to the variables use the variable name suffix "@VarMetaData". For example the channel frequencies would be stored in a netcdf variable named "channel_frequency@VarMetaData".

File Variable Conventions

The variables inside a IODA observation data file need to adhere to the following conventions:

NETCDF files

The plan is to issue warnings now about variables that violate these conventions so that these violations can be located and fixed. Once all files are fixed, then the convention violation warnings will be changed to errors.

A checker script ( has been written for netcdf files, and will be made available in a pull request that is due to be merged around November 1, 2019. Once all files pass the checker, a ctest will be added to the ioda repository that runs the checker script on all of the netcdf files in the ioda repository so new files that come in will be immediately verified.

Variable names by observation types

In the following tables, the Data Group column denotes if the variable is observation data, meta data related to locations, or meta data related to variables. The entries in this column are the variable group name suffixes without the "@". An entry of ObsValue implies that you also have the ObsError and PreQC variables in the file.

All observation types have the location meta data as shown in this table:

Variable NameUnits NameDescriptionGroup Type
latitudedegreeslatitude, zero at equator, positive toward the northMetaData
longitudedegreeslongitude, zero at prime meridian, positive toward the eastMetaData
date_timeiso_8601_formatabsolute date and time of observation, in ISO 8601 date, time formatMetaData

Radiosonde, Aircraft

Variable NameUnits NameDescriptionGroup Type
air_temperaturekelvinatmospheric sensible temperatureObsValue
specific_humiditykilogram_per_kilogramspecific humidityObsValue
eastward_windmeters_per_secondzonal wind componentObsValue

meridional wind component


air_pressurepascalatmospheric pressureMetaData (vertical location coordinate)


Variable NameUnits NameDescriptionGroup Type
brightness temperatureObsValue

Scan_Angledegreesinstrument scan angle in degreesMetaData
Scan_Positiondimensionlessinstrument scan positionMetaData
Sat_Zenith_Angledegreessatellite zenith angleMetaData
Sat_Azimuth_Angledegreessatellite azimuth angleMetaData
Sol_Zenith_Angledegreessun zenith angleMetaData
Sol_Azimuth_Angledegreessun azimuth angleMetaData


frequencyhertzinstrument channel frequencyVarMetaData


statistical variance of channel measurementVarMetaData






Variable NameUnits NameDescriptionGroup Type
aerosol optical depthObsValue

sol_zenith_angledegreessun zenith angleMetaData
sol_azimuth_angledegreessun azimuth angleMetaData



frequencyhertzinstrument channel frequencyVarMetaData



