As part of this project, we have started with Reorder that has been used for a number of years by several members of the scientific community.  All aspects of Reorder are currently being scrutinized in order to more fully understand how exactly the current code is performing.  This effort is expected to lead to a decision to either modernize and overhaul Reorder or to abandon it entirely.  If the latter choice is made, then the necessary requirements for a replacement gridder will be identified with input from the user community and incorporated into a newly designed package, keeping in mind that its lifetime is expected to be 5-10 years.


Reorder uses either a distance-weighting scheme (Cressman or exponential), equal (uniform) weighting, or the closest point to populate the output Cartesian grid.  The input samples are looped over in range (radial direction) one beam at a time to populate the output Cartesian grid with SUMS of (distance-weighting*field) and SUMS of (distance-weighting).  Distances between radar sample locations (RAE) and output grid points (XYZ) are calculated for all output grid points within a box centered on the radar sample location and having dimensions specified by the user.  Such an approach results in estimates at output grid points that are filtered versions of the input samples.  Strictly, then, this is not an interpolator and therefore has certain characteristics and limitations.

There are three important aspects to the Reorder gridding algorithm.  The first two are the dimensions and orientation of the box (region of influence), and the third is the distance-weighting formulation itself.  The user specifies three attributes, along with the values to be used (parameters).  The attributes are either XRADIUS, YRADIUS, and ZRADIUS or RGRADIUS, AZRADIUS, and ELRADIUS.

  1. Dimensions of the box:  The X, Y, and Z radii are half-distances in the X, Y, and Z directions centered on the current range gate location in the Cartesian grid.  The R, A, and E radii were apparently intended to be half-distances in the R, A, and E directions with the idea of matching the resolution of the angular sampling.  In principle the numbers of samples used to populate the output grid would then be constant with range, leading to a constant reduction in error and preserving angular (not linear) resolution.  However, a careful look at the actual coded formulation has revealed this is not quite true.  This RAE formulation included an attempt to rotate the box such that it was aligned with the local range-azimuth-elevation directions.  The result of this failed attempt was to produce a pattern in the number of input measurements (count attribute) used that varied in the azimuthal direction.  This  pattern when displayed in the Cartesian output domain resembled a "clover-leaf" with minima near 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees in azimuth and was not constant in the range direction.
  2. Orientation of the box:  The box is implicitly oriented relative to the output grid axes because of the way that affected indices in the x, y, and z coordinate directions are calculated.  A range of x, y, and z indices from a minimum to a maximum value are calculated according to the integer in a minimum and maximum in output grid coordinate equal to range gate coordinate +/- radius value.
  3. Distance-weighting formulation:


Some of the deficiencies in Reorder that have been identified so far are:


Modifications that have been made are:

SAMPLE SCRIPT:  Click on run-reorder.txt to see a sample script for gridding Dorade sweep files from S-POL during the STEPS-2000 program near Goodland KS.