A collection of scripts supports the production of input fields that are required to run MUSICAv0 for spectral element horizontal grids that have not been produced within the release.  Emissions specified in offline files, meteorological data for nudging, and initial conditions files must be provided at model run time on the horizontal and vertical grid of the model.  These tools are available from the NCAR IPT GitHub repository

Please check if emissions and other input data are already available on your grid on the Available Input Datasets page.  

The IPT scripts and codes can be obtained by cloning from the github repository:

git clone https://github.com/NCAR/IPT

Emissions regridding

See further documentation and get scripts from the IPT GitHub

Meteorological Data Regridding

Meteorological data also have to be regridded to the horizontal and vertical resolution of the model configuration. For this we provide MERRA2 reanalysis between 1975 and 2020 on the original horizontal and vertical grid  (https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds313.3/) or local on cheyenne.  Scripts that interpolate those to the vertical and horizontal resolution of the model are available on the IPT GitHub.

Initial Conditions Regridding

Atmospheric initial condition files have to be regridded to the model resolution. We provide an ncl script that allows us to regrid from the standard spectral element 1 degree resolution to the new grid on the IPT GitHub.