CLM4.0 Release Planning Checklist


Science Requirements DONE

List of things we require to accomplish before the release happens.

Software Requirements DONE

Things NOT required

Things that are NOT required for the release that may happen shortly afterwards.

Use Cases (Science scenarios that MUST work and be well-tested)

– Global: T31_gx3v7, 2.65x3.33, f1.9, f0.9, f05 DONE
– Urban Single-point: brazil, 5x5, tropicAtl test DONE
– Urban Single-point: Mexico-City, Vancouver, urbanc_alpha (for CESM release)
– Pts_mode:

– CN and non-CN [CLM4 with SP (Satellite phenology) CLM4 with BGC (Carbon/Nitrogen) ] DONE
– Carbon only CN (in-house science for Gordon/Sam) (although too productive, some changes needed in CESM release to make it usable).
– CN spinup using CCSM output
– CPLHIST atm input data


Known bugs

Known bugs that we will release clm with...

Alpha Release (Jan 15th)


List of things to do leading up to the releases on Jan 15th/2010, April 1/2010 and June/1/2010.

Checklist of things TO DO for alpha release Jan/15th/2010

Checklist of things DONE or WONTDO for alpha release Jan/15th/2010

Checklist of things TO DO for main release April 1/2010

Checklist of things DONE or WONT DO for CCSM4.0 release

Checklist of things to do for CESM1.0 release

Checklist of things WONT DO for CESM1 release

Checklist of things DONE for CESM1 release

Machines to require working on for all resolutions and configurations

List of machines that should be extensively tested and validated for all resolutions and configurations of clm.

Machines that may work (or not)

These machines will have support in the cpl7 scripts – but may or may NOT work, and won't be extensively tested (intrepid and kraken are the only one that Erik has access to).

** Machines that Erik has access to.

Code to disable/remove?

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