This afternoon I launched a sounding at 14:24 MDT (2024 UTC). All went well except that I got an error from the sounding software saying "Surface observations reading failed" and I was forced to enter surface values manually. Of course since we don't have surface met here I used sounding data instead, but first I had to toggle "Full control" to "Release control" on the sounding software in order to get past the popup window requiring me to enter surface values. I had to estimate surface wind speed and direction from the WXT at MISS. After that all worked as expected. 

The 1st helium tank is just about empty, as I took about all of the rest of it to fill the balloon to 28 cu ft. 

I also noticed that the most recent lidar plots on both the field catalog and ISS1 web plots page were from 1649 UTC (10:49 MDT) today. Nagios is showing errors that may be related to this as well. Perhaps this is due to a change in scan strategy to mostly fixed stares and PPI's or something that Isabel is working on in her hawkeye plotting scripts?