Steve and I paid several visits to prs today. 

We visited dcs at the end of the day to see why dcst was down, suspecting power or network problem. Problem seems to actually be that the serial board is not showing up as a usb device, which kills networking since the modem was plugged into it. No serial ports working and no port status lights on the serial card, but the gps ops light was still blinking. Lsusb output doesn’t show the serial board or anything plugged into it. Will try replacing the dsm tomorrow. 

Meanwhile Dan fixed power problems at several sites and worked on getting someone to plow site accesses. 

Plan for tomorrow is for Steve to work on mounting radiometers in their proper places at dcs with Sebastian, while Dan and I see about replacing more sonics and ec100s. 

Feel free to add details, this is short because I’m typing it on my phone…