Not much change in the weather today. Partly cloudy in the morning that became mostly clear the rest of the day with light northerly winds. The daytime high stayed below freezing again. The next few days look to stay cold, but slowly begin a warming trend into next week.

The morning data check showed no issues. An ephemeral fog IOP began at noon and by then all ISFS instruments seemed to be functioning properly. Sebastian plugged in his thermocouples at PRS and DCS in the late afternoon and they seem to all be functional as well as of this writing. The only real news to report from today is that the power returned to the MW site, as evidenced by the increase in Vbatt and Icharge at the site around 8:40 am. With this development all sites are back on AC or solar power and we will not need to swap batteries. We will continue to keep an eye on the Vbatt for all sites in case any issues crop back up. We also picked up the repaired soil corer T-bar from the welding shop, so we can return to collecting soil samples. 

Due to the IOP we launched soundings at 2:15 and 4:15 pm and continued to check on the status of the ISFS instrumentation throughout the day.