Fog this morning, but the program is over....  Truck thermometer said -1F when we drove out.

Started the day removing the TT trailer from PRS, along with remaining sensors.  A bit of an effort:

Next removed all of SP.  Not TOO bad, though a stake and ground rod required the Hi-Lift again.  Recovered all 3 power cables and all 4 soil sensors.

Spent a bit more time at the base and Penske organizing.

Finally, at CC, dug out all of the cables, tops of T stakes, and removed snow cover from the soil plot, with some help from Liz, Matt, and Dexter.  A lot of ice in spots – especially by the job boxes – and none of the 8(?) T stakes that I tried budged.  My intent was to prepare the site to have a quick removal with the forklift on Monday.  Now, I'm not so sure.  Oh, and we couldn't get the gate lock to open with the combo I had photographed on the marker board.  I need to see if I can find the original email from the manager.