(sad)THIS PAGE IS VERY MUCH A WORK IN PROGRESS  since I'm still learning how to use all the tools to build a wiki page with links and figures.  I'm pondering how best to add some "dialogue" to the ppt presentation.  My thinking so far is to create a separate document that describes various aspects of the ppt slides.  I envision the user opening the ppt in one window along with descriptive text in another window, but it's not yet clear to me whether this be workable. 

The DZ_max graphic is meant to be a test.  I eventually want to add selected images showing the quality-control variables from Reorder such as the CNT and OCT fields.  Also, I want to show the impact of varying the radii of influence in XYZ and RAE space.  Further, I will present some guidance on a reasonable path that includes gridding with Reorder and filling (PATCHER) in Cedric.  There is still much to do! 


This page includes the power point presentation (see Attachment under Tools) given by L. Jay Miller on September 22, 2009 along with several selected images illustrating various aspects of gridding and wind synthesis.

The separate parts of the complete run_cedsyn Cedric script: