A warm, sunny and breezy day.  IOP 10 started this afternoon to study an eastern Sundowner event.  This is a mini IOP, without the Twin Otter since all of its research hours were used up.  There are also limited soundings, with just one ISS launching (Rancho Alegre) and with UCSB soundings moved from the FIre HQ to a temporary setup at a fire station in Montecito.  

Lou and David started soundings from Rancho Alegre at 4pm and also did the 7pm, then the UCSB team took over for the nighttime soundings.  David also helped UCSB with the move to Montecito.  Jacquie went to Sedgwick to work on the ISFS 14 station since it is having communication difficulties and Lou also went to Sedgwick to check on the ISS trailer. 

John and Laura left today (thank you for all your work here) and I arrived this afternoon.

The networking issue with the wind lidar at ISS1 continues.  We have noticed that there have been increasing delays with the data transfer particularly over the past few days.  Only around 60% of the data is being transferred and around 20% of that is not being converted to cfRadial format suggesting that those files may be corrupted.  Isabel thinks the issue may be with the database on the lidar that generates the netcdf files.  It appears that generating the files is now taking longer than the sampling time so the system is not keeping up with realtime.  Earlier on in the campaign, the generation and file transfer process was much faster, even though the scanning and sampling strategy hasn't changed.   She has written a detailed email to the Vaisala support team and they have forwarded this to the Leosphere folks in France.  Tomorrow (after the IOP) I plan to slow down the data collection rate in the hopes that might allow the system to catch up.  It appears that the data is okay in the lidar database, just the netcdf generation and data transfers are running very slowly.  We should be able to recover all the data eventually, although we may have to wait until the system is back in Boulder to get it all off.