Rick holds down the fort in the morning -- Antonio, Chenning, and Jielun make science outreach presentations to three classrooms at the Tonopah middle school.

Rick and Bruce (lastname?) handle the morning sounding:

Nagios still complaining about t0t usbstick and ustar disk space utilization being near capacity. Not eminently critical, but will be in another couple of days. I want to talk with Gary about how to deal with this.

QCcharts look OK. Plots look OK and updating. The W'*W' plots for the past 3-4 days have been showing an anomaly: For tower 33 (+/- 1), the reported values seem to be random in the midnight-dawn hours, but somewhere around dawn, become more coherent with the rest of the array until the next midnight. 

Antonio, Chenning, Jielun arrive at the site around noon. By all accounts, their presentations to the students were well received and successful.

Antonio and Rick on the PM sounding. Antonio squashes rumors that circulated at last night's dinner about a shortage of balloons, by locating several boxes of balloons in the container.

Overall, a pretty quiet day in paradise.