Articles in Local Newspapers

Description and Benefits:

Partner with local Cheyenne newspapers to introduce the NCAR Supercomputing Center as it comes to Cheyenne.

This publicity would introduce the "new kid in town" and share NCAR's enthusiasm about science with the community.  Present articles in an understandable manner which readers of all ages will understand and be curious.  Profile Cheyenne NCAR employees within the articles.

UCAR/NCAR's role:

NCAR Communications could partner with the Wyoming Tribune Eagle Science editor ( and the Wyoming Business Report new business editor ( to prepare articles about NCAR and our mission.  Minimal cost would be involved.


Articles could be timed with the opening of the NCAR Supercomputing Data Center.  If a Grand Opening Day celebration were to be scheduled, a series of articles could lead up to the Grand Opening Day. A media day might be considered as part of the planned events.

Life Span:

After the official opening of the NCAR Supercomputing Center, on-going science and other computational science articles would be an asset to the community.

For More Information:

David Hosansky, Director, Media Relations, UCAR Communications.