Data Analysis Services Group - July 2011

News and Accomplishments

Two animations produced with VAPOR won Peoples Choice awards at the annual SCIDac meeting. The animations are available from:

More information is available from

VAPOR Project

Project information is available at:

TG GIG PY6 Award:

Yannick believes he has resolved all outstanding issues with the PIOVDC development and is now testing a variety of pathological cases (e.g. data without block-aligned boundaries)

XD Vis Award:

Alan prepared materials for a tutorial on VAPOR to be given at the TACC Summer Supercomputing Institute in early August.

Kendall completed work on updating the VisIt plug-in for VAPOR Data Collection reader. John tested the plugin on Mac and Linux platforms. The code has been documented and added to the VAPOR distribution.

Yannick continued prototype work on depth peeling.

Yannick completed dynamic shader loading integration with VAPOR. John tested the code, and added an installer for the shader programs.


Progress continues towards the 2.1 release, with a planned completion of all development by the first week of August.

Outreach and Consulting:

Alan consulted with students at the WRF Tutorial that was held the week of July 9.  It went well but we had a few problems with making the installation current (using vapor 2.0.2).  The documentation we provide is also out of date and needs to be updated.

Arlene Laing and Sherrie Fredrick were planning to present a VAPOR demo of African weather patterns at an African weather conference in August.  However they were not able to fit this in their schedule so we are tentatively planning to show VAPOR separately to some of the attendees on August 4.

Alan met with Mel Shapiro and worked on unsteady flow visualization of ERICA as well as several new visualizations.  We made an animation combining reflectivity and cloud top temperature, available at  Mel is particularly interested in the unsteady flow visualization such as shown at .

Hsio-ming Hsu is now in Germany (for a month) and continues to work on unsteady trajectories associated with a European pollution event.  Alan provided him with 3 movies (at to discuss with Hsiaoming’s collaborators.

Mary Barth of ACD expressed an interest in a VAPOR tutorial based on WRF-CHEM.  She pointed us to a dataset that we converted for visualization.  The only difference with WRF-CHEM versus WRF-ARW is that the chemistry data has lots of variables so they tend to not write all the output into one file.

John spent an afternoon with Dr Yang, Korean U. of Kyungwon, discussing visualization tools for climate and weather data

Alan worked with Wanli Wu on a simulation of the tornados that occurred in the eastern US at the end of April.  His simulation is on a 300m grid and shows an actual tornado, as in the following image showing streamlines through a tornado vortex:

KISTI Proposal:

NCAR and KISTI administrators have at last come to agreement on a contract. The contract has been signed by KISTI and is now under final review by NCAR, expected to executed in a matter of days. In anticipation of an award, whose first set of deliverables are due at the end of November of this year, VAPOR staff continue preliminary efforts:


John authored the TeraGrid quarterly report.

Data Analysis & Visualization Lab Projects

File System Space Management Project

Security & Administration Projects

System Monitoring Project

CISL Projects

Lustre Project

NWSC Planning

System Support

Data Analysis & Visualization Clusters

GLADE Storage Cluster