Data Analysis Services Group - September 2011

News and Accomplishments

DASG welcomes visitors Sang Myeong Oh and Minsu Joh from the Korean Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI). Sang Myeong will be a visitor through Nov. 30, and Minsu through Oct 14. The two will collaborate with the VAPOR team in support of  global ocean circulation model data.

VAPOR Project

Project information is available at:

TG GIG PY6 Award:

Yannick completed testing and development of the PIOVDC library. The code has been integrated into IMAGE's turbulence modeling code, GHOST, and we are now working with IMAGe researchers to evaluate the work. The next steps are to clean the code, and provide user documentation and examples.

XD Vis Award:

John gave a tutorial on VAPOR at the Front Range High Performance Computing Symposium at the Co. School of Mines on Sept. 23. The talk was attended by ~20 students and faculty.

KISTI Award:

KISTI contract work is now underway and, due to the short period of performance for year one, will consume most of the team's attention. Efforts in September focused largely on analyzing a number of representative MOM4 data sets, and developing a requirements document for compliant MOM4 data. Currently, there is no formal documentation describing the contents of a MOM4 data set. Thus the requirements must be reverse engineered.

Our application to CISL's RSVP program was approved, and we welcome Sang Myeong Oh from Korea's Jeju National University. Sang Myeong will be a visitor at NCAR until Nov. 30. While here he will be helping support the KISTI/NCAR collaboration on VAPOR development. Also visiting for two weeks is Minsu Joh, the director of supercomputing applications at KISTI.

Lastly, Karamjeet Khalsa, our SCIparCS student, excepted a full time position elsewhere, and is no longer working on the KISTI project. We wish Karamjeet the best of luck and thank him for his contributions.


A release candidate for VAPOR 2.1 was completed and made available for download on the VAPOR web site. We expect to have a production release of 2.1 completed by the end of the calendar year.

We continue to prepare for the 2.1 release of VAPOR. A decision was made to, for the first time, distribute a beta release of the package before issuing a stable, supported version: a common practice for open source software. The beta will allow us to get important bug fixes into the hands of users who need them more quickly, and will also let us enlist the help of the user community for testing. Mac and Linux installers were created for the release candidates and all VAPOR staff were involved in regression testing. A new, more formal test plan was developed for these purposes.

Outreach and Consulting:

John and Alan gave an informal tutorial on VAPOR to the WRF-CHEM group, organized by NCAR's Mary Barth.

Data Analysis & Visualization Lab Projects

File System Space Management Project

System Monitoring Project

CISL Projects

GLADE Project

Lustre Project

Data Transfer Services Project

Lynx Project

Publications, Papers & Presentations

System Support

Data Analysis & Visualization Clusters

GLADE Storage Cluster

TeraGrid Cluster
