Multi-excerpt goes beyond the excerpt and excert-include macros built into Confluence enabling multiple excerpts per page which you name to keep them distinct. While this page demonstrates including excerpts on the same page, the real power of excerpts is including excerpts from other pages and even other wikis. Just add spacekey:<key> in front of pageTitle. Documentation is available.

Wiki Markup

{multi-excerpt:name=sample 1}
some text excerpt 1

{multi-excerpt:name=sample 2}
some text excerpt 2

{multi-excerpt-include:pageTitle=Multi-excerpt|name=sample 1|nopanel=true}
{multi-excerpt-include:pageTitle=Multi-excerpt|name=sample 2|nopanel=true}




{multi-excerpt-include:pageTitle=Multi-excerpt|name=sample 1|nopanel=true}
{multi-excerpt-include:pageTitle=Multi-excerpt|name=sample 2|nopanel=true}