A++ & P++


P++ requires MPI. We have had success using OpenMPI-1.4.4 MPICH-1.2.7.

Build Instructions

  1. Download tarball of source code: AppPpp-08-28-2007.tar.gz and unpack to $INSTALL_DIR/src/a+p+
    cd $INSTALL_DIR/src/
    wget http://download.hao.ucar.edu/pub/schmitt/cism/LTR-para/a++p++-08-28-2007.tar.gz
    tar -zxvf a++p++-08-28-2007.tar.gz
    1. (warning) Developers who want the latest & greatest (and quite possibly the most broken version of code) may download from the CISM repository
      Note: This requires an Subversion account
      cd $INSTALL_DIR/src
      svn --username [yourname] co https://proxy.subversion.ucar.edu/cism_CSE/trunk/a++p++
  2. Prepare the A++ & P++ build using a configure script. (Note: you will run configure three seperate times during this process)
    cd $INSTALL_DIR/src/a++p++
    ./configure --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR --enable-PXX --no-recursion
  3. Configure, build and install A++
    cd $INSTALL_DIR/src/a++p++/A++
     ./configure --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR --with-CC=$CC --with-CXX=$CXX
     make install
  4. Configure, build and install P++
    1. cd $INSTALL_DIR/src/a++p++/P++
       ./configure --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR --enable-PXX --with-CC=$MPICC --with-CXX=$MPICXX --disable-mpirun-check --with-mpi-libs=" "
       make install
  5. Ensure that the build for both A++ and P++ went okay:
    cd $INSTALL_DIR/src/a++p++
     make check
    This will traverse source directories, verifying the build went okay. All tests must pass in order to build LFM-para.
  6. Set a few soft links for the installed files:
    ln -s $INSTALL_DIR/A++/install/include $INSTALL_DIR/A++/include
    ln -s $INSTALL_DIR/A++/install/lib $INSTALL_DIR/A++/lib
    ln -s $INSTALL_DIR/P++/install/include $INSTALL_DIR/P++/include
    ln -s $INSTALL_DIR/P++/install/lib $INSTALL_DIR/P++/lib
  7. You are now ready to install the next prerequisite, PVM.

Developer website:

