Table of Contents

LFM Grid Resolution

The LFM grid is available in several resolutions and operates most efficiently on the following processor counts:

Grid resolution and processor distribution must be specified at compile time. You can compile a particular model at a particular resolution via the following command:

gmake [input-code] RESOLUTION=[input-resolution]

where [input-code|input-code] is one of:

and RESOLUTION=[input-resolution|input-resolution] is one of:

It is easy to do something wrong with a custom resolution. The code scales to non-obvious processor counts. For example the double resolution (53x48x64) runs well on 24 processors and scales very poorly on 48. Tread with caution when using custom resolutions.

What is the physical domain of the grid?

Nearly all LFM grids extend to approximately (min, max) Earth Radii along the following axes:

We have custom grids for special purposes.  These are:

Custom physical domains are unsupported.  Please talk with us if you would like to run the LFM on this physical domain.

What is the maximal number of processors I can use for my grid?

There are three constraints to determine the maximum number of processors that should be used for a particular grid:

A formula to determine the number of processors is:

Example 1: 53x24x32

For example, using the default on a 53x24x32 grid, and . So

So you can use up to 18 processors on a 53x24x32 grid.

Example 2: 106x48x64

On a 106x48x64 grid, and . So

So you can use up to 78 processors on a 106x48x64 grid.