TIEGCM Year Boundary

The TIEGCM (stand-alone and coupled with CMIT) needs to be specially configured to cross a year boundary.  MakeItSo generates proper run scripts to deal with the TIEGCM spinup interval.  However, MakeItSo needs special care when the run interval you desire crosses a year boundary.

Consider a run of CMIT:

  • LFM-MIX will pre-condition starting at 23:10 UT on December 20, 2011.
  • The TIEGCM will pre-condition starting 20 days earlier, on December 1, 2011.

As currently implemented, MakeItSo requires that you split this up into two runs.

SPINUP: False Option

You will need to split up any run that crosses a year boundary into two runs:  One with the spinup interval (SPINUP: true) and another with the spinup interval disabled (SPINUP:false).  The SPINUP: False option does not create an LFM or TIEGCM startup file.  MakeItSo assumes this already exists from a previous run.


  1. First run:  December 21, 2011 through January 1, 2012 at 00:00:00 UT (with spinup interval--SPINUP:true)
  2. Second run: January 1, 2012 at 00:00:00 UT through January 17, 2012 (no spinup interval--SPINUP:false).  The tricky part is configuring the spinup interval.  You must either
    1. run MakeItSo in --expert mode, setting SPINUP: false, or 
    2. edit a MakeItSo.config file and add - SPINUP: false to  the Shared model parameters.  For example:
        - Shared:
            - Output directory: SampleRun-2012
            - RUN_IDENTIFIER: CMITs
            - START_YMDHMS: 2012 1 1 0 0 0
            - STOP_YMDHMS: 2012 1 17 1 0 0
            - TIME_DUMP_INTERVAL: 300.0
            - SPINUP: false