Aircraft Facility Requirements Survey

Take Survey  

Introduction: The IWGADTS group is looking to find areas of commonality to standardize on to make instrument integration easier.  


Instrument PIs

Does your instrument require real-time external navigation and/or time-code data to operate?

What data parameters do you require? Please be specific. (Examples include but are not limited to: vertical acceleration, latitude, longitude, pitch, roll, true heading, ground speed, air speed, air temperature, time, etc.)

What update frequency do you require for these parameters (i.e. would higher frequency than the standard once per second be useful)?

What is your latency requirement?

Any special requirements (e.g. high precision on certain parameters)?

Platform Services

Would you use an Internet-based real-time connection to your instrument in flight, if available, and for what (command and control, engineering health, data download, etc.)?

If yes and an Application Program Interface (API) were provided, then which would you find useful: Web status reporting, instrument control, chat, google-earth display, ...

Would you use an aircraft-provided common data storage service, or control computer, if available?

What percentage of your data would you like available to everyone one the aircraft?

What percentage of your data would you not like available to everyone on the plane?

Ground, during flight

Would you use an Internet-based real-time connection to your instrument in flight, if available, and for what (command and control, engineering health, data download, etc.)

How reliable would this link need to be?

Post Flight

What post flight products would you like?

How soon after the flight?

Would you like to see a common format across platforms for time-series data?

Would you like to see a common format across platforms?