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  1. Flight Tech - D. Allbee


    Taxi - 1447

    Takeoff - 1451

    Landed - 1644

    No HCR or AVAPS operator today.

    Have been experiencing problems with Nose DSM 305 for the past week. Functioned okay during Maintenance Day (8/31). Did not communicate to ADS pre-flight. Tried to troubleshoot but ran out of time. Cycled circuit breaker several times in flight but never had a successful boot.

    VCSEL - LSRINT_VXL was low (150 - 615) for the whole flight. Cycled System switch at 1506. VCSEL was last cleaned on 8/29... Needs another good cleaning and thorough check.

    Wing DSMs functioned properly throughout the whole flight. No DSM dropouts.

    25um 2D-C probe Diode Voltages were low on initial startup. Cycled power on probe and voltages increased to within limits.

    All 3 cloud physics probes functioning and displaying images/histogram.

    1510 - Lost power on both DPR and DPL displays. Checked Aeros, PSF also died at the same time. These three sensors are all powered off of the Vicor Power Supply under the Main Power Distribution Panel. Nothing can be done in flight.

    RICE - Nothing but noise the entire flight even with HCR OFF.