Warmer today with clear and sunny in the morning, giving way to haze in the afternoon.

I have arranged for an outreach function for ~60 junior high school students scheduled for this Friday at the Deer Creek Supersite.  They are only visiting for an hour, so the plan is to discuss what we are doing, show them the instruments on the short tower, the tether sonde, and finish the hour off with an extra balloon sounding at ~1045.

At last Friday’s outreach event, I offered to give my Introduction to CubeSats presentation at the local high school to the science teacher.  That offer has been accepted and I will be giving the presentation next Tuesday at 1:00 pm at the Wasatch High School West Campus building for an hour.

ISS1 – all systems still running nominally with profiler status:  @ 0920 100m: 5.07A @ 50V & 1.849A @ 32V, and @ 0930 150m rass: 4.12A @ 50V & 1.894 A @ 32 V

ISS2 – Nagios indicates warnings for fs_/ and fs_/boot directories are 86% and 90% full.  Not sure if this is related to the lidar issue or not.  The lidar is still running at lower resolution, with no signs of frost on lens, and internal conditions reported as 15.1C/14% RH by the software.

ISFS – Spent the day with Matt as he brought Jacquie up to speed.  We took soil samples at the South Pivot and the Provo River Supersite, completing the second round of soil samples.  While at the Provo River Supersite, we lowered the 30m tower and replaced a malfunctioning thermocouple at the 17m height.

Soundings – Sounding was conducted without any issues, launched by Jacquie.

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1 Comment

  1. Nagios warnings about fs/ and fs/boot are not related to the lidar. The fs/boot partition is 90% full but nothing is being added to it (trend shows +0GB/24hr), which has been that way for a couple weeks, so that's ok. fs/ is filling up with ceilometer data in /var/sftp, I'll transfer that out of there tomorrow.