General update (Yannick)

  • No special announcement

Obs team (Francois V.)

  • Several PRs are merged in UFO:

    • Variable transforms for taking logarithm obs function PR (#3435) was merged.

    • The Jacobian output diagnostics (CO2 and O3) PR (#3437) was merged

    • Thanks HuiLiu from NOAA and JoAnn from the UK MetOffice for their input on the 2m temperature PR (3440: An integrated operator for surface observations with consistent adjustments). There will be changes to unify the surface operators.

  • Converter:

    • The snow converter for MADIS is ready to go and will be merged.

    • A bug fix for the bufr2ioda.x build is going to be merged (PR #1548).

    • The GPM DPR PR (#1534) is still open as we are working on reducing the ctest file size. It seems that 15Mb is the smallest size that we can do, and it's still too large for a ctest.

    • PR 1539: add ctest for ground-based gnss ipw product is in progress. There's an issue with IPW that needs to be converted from integer to float.

CRTM (Ben J.) 

  • Updated the release/REL-3.1.1 branch with the default generation of a shared object library (, and it places it in the lib/ directory of wherever CRTM is being built, as is the default for other JEDI libraries. 

  • This update also points to a new binary tarball that contains all of the instrument coefficient files converted to netCDF in anticipation of CRTM v3.2, which will be a wholesale switch to netCDF instead of the traditional binary formats.  These changes were merged into develop.  The downside is that the CRTM coefficient tarball fix_REL- is quite large right now.   When we switch to CRTM v3.2, it will be substantially smaller by removal of all of the .bin files. 

  • Not mentioned at the meeting: we're planning a code sprint on CRTM surface emissivity improvements the week before the October Relaunch (if it occurs). 

  • Cheng Dang presented a poster about CRTM in the GEMS/Tempo workshop last week. 

COMPO (Maryam)

  • Jerome attended the GEMS/TEMPO meeting last week and presented the work on 4DEnVar with cycling geos-cf and emission adjustments in JEDI using TEMPO data
  • Maryam added a new converter for the GCAS observation during the STAQS field campaign, it is under review. it’s a remote sensing instrument that measures column and total no2
  • Maryam worked on running an EDA run with C360 resolution (C90 for the ensembles).
  • Maryam has been working on cleaning up the work compo team did for the 4dEnVar and emission inversion testing and issuing a PR
  • Shih-Wei issued a PR to update AirNow converter and add station classifiers in the converter. AirNow is a network of ground-based observations of air pollutants in the US.


  • no update

JEDI Infra (Evan)

  • Spack-Stack 1.8.0 is ready for testing. It is the first release after 6mo and involves more updates than previous releases. Many release tasks still remaining on that distributed across teams including JEDI, NOAA, and NRL. Shout out to Dom and Alexander Richert, who are leading the charge on this
  • Steve H. has a PR with a fix for Mac Sonoma. Reach out to Evan if you want to test this PR. #1281
  • R2D2 ingest work for GEOS files and documentation of our R2D2 procedures
  • Switching from MPAS fork to MPAS main repo broke nightly CI. There is no issue if you are using a fresh build. Evan is working on fixing it. 
  • pyIRI is now part of ecbuild but OFF by default. 

JEDI Algo (Anna)

  • Code sprint (Week of Oct 7th) for implementing naming conventions for a list of 22-30 variables to the generic code. Updates will be made to the generic code, forward operators, places in Vader and Saber. Both technical and scientific expertise are needed for this sprint. The plan is to merge the sprint PR as quickly as possible. 
  • Steve V. is working on improvements to how we handle model variables.
  • Clementine is working on JEDI/GEOS experiments 
  • Steve H. is workong on desing of obs data frame with Phil Underwood. 
  • Nate is working on spectral ...
  • Anna is working on...

JEDI Model Interface (Francois H.)

  • Francois H. attended the space weather workshop last week. 
  • Liam is working on refactoring atlas interpolation in jedi 

MMM (Chris S.)

  • The team is working in the annual progress update report to Air Force
  • Started looking into the configuration needed for increasing the mpas model top. Right now it's 30km

Met Office (Phil U.)

  • We+IBk-re assimilating the most significant observations that represent approx. 90% significance.
  • We+IBk-re making progress on our regional observational data processing, e.g. the radar data is almost done.
  • Yaswant has moved a different team. Now the point of contact for queries normally directed toward him is Matt Shin.
  • We have some recent new starters who will likely soon be making contributions on GitHub. Names to follow.

Navy (Nancy)

  • Found a bug(fix) in the model interface, thanks to Ricardo. 

Curtis Alexander:

  • Will reach out indivually for inputs about HPC resources for the next fiscal year. 
  • AOP was sent to MPB for signature on Tuesday. 


  • The weather company will use JEDI for its fully operational forecast system within the next month. (Shout out to BJ Jung (MMM) for his help to them.)

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