RF13 09/17/19
Take off: 0830 local

Landed:  1400 local
Drops requested: 29
Drops deployed: 30
Issues: 1
Drop 29 had an IR issue at launch and no launch detect and
no more comms! Just disappeared into the ether. . .
0836 Launcher temps:
Air Temp: 37.06 C
PCB Temp: 36.0 C
RH: 28%
Spare 1: 27.3
Spare 2: 27.0
Delayed drop 2 per Dave's request
Dave has requested to call next several drops on his command.
4:48PM UTC 
Spare 1: 0.3
Spare 2: 5.3
4:49PM UTC turned on launcher heaters
Spare 1: 2.3
Spare 2: 5.3
Heaters are working
Spare 1: 14.8
Spare 2: 8.8
5:09PM UTC turned heaters off when spare 1 reached 30 C
Spare 1: 28.5
Spare 2: 18.8
6:01PM UTC turned heaters on again when spare 1 reached 0 C
6:24PM UTC turned heaters off
There was an IR error with sonde 29, it left the plane
but no more comms. No data for drop 29.
7:16PM UTC turned on heaters
7:24PM UTC turned off heaters before landing

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