
Strand Map Service Updates:  (Attendees; John, Jonathan, Mike, Ted, Brian, Bruce Mason - Compadre)

This part of the meeting was to discuss issues around the SMS and relation to the Benchmarks Online. Main outcomes:

  1. Brian will get a SMS up at AAAS in tomcat 5 (issues with SMS working in Tomcat 6).
  2. Ted will do text edits to benchmarks - will require a simple database interface (e.g. Phpmyadmin) for him to edit tables.
  3. Relationship consistency checks
    1. What inconsistencies to look for - Ted provide set of rules - see Ted's email
    2. Develop some graph-walking routines to do the checks
  4. Section - Grade connection in SMS (to provide the same information the Benchmarks Online can provide - this is what Compadre is interested in seeing to be able to walk back up the benchmark tree)
  5. SMS Benchmark ID to ASN id resolver - simple service to do these mappings

DRK-12 Proposal Planning: (Attendees: John, Jonathan, Mike, Brian, Ted, Francis)

Francis outlined the plan for AAAS to submit a proposal to DRK-12 program this year (by Jan 2011). Francis has submitted a letter of intent. The work needed by us is similar to last year.

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