Sunny this morning, but then clouded over with a windy change around midday.  John and Jacquie left this morning - thank you both for all your work during your stay.

Before he left, John covered the Modular Profiler antenna with a tarp to stop snow building up underneath with the looming snow storm before we do teardown later in the week.  The wind picked up later very quickly to around 10 m/s and it was a bit of a shamble to secure it down and stop it blowing away.  The profiler was down for this work around 18 - 19 UTC and 21 UTC.  Around 2130 UTC the 50V and the 32 V supplies were drawing 4.60 A and 1.83 A in winds mode, and 3.86 A and 1.88 A in RASS mode.  The RASS amplifier output was 11.45 VAC.

At the ISFS base trailer, climbed up to check the wind lidar and cameras. There's still plenty of wiping fluid for the lidar.  I did notice a couple of minor blemishes on the lidar window and tried to get a photo but reflections from the cloudy sky made that difficult.  The 4:15 sounding was mostly uneventful although it was very breezy so I let it go a few minutes early to avoid damaging the balloon.  Also spent some time documenting the sites and checking serial numbers before the weather comes in.

Terry arrived this evening and we'll give him the tour tomorrow.

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