Wired Networks

Each office has at least one dedicated 1Gb link to the CGD wired network. This network is only for CGD owned and maintained systems. Personal systems plugged into this network will be trapped and unable to browse anywhere or connect to any resources, either inside or outside of the lab.

On request, CGD can also provide you with a wired connection on the Guest network which will allow you connect to resources outside the lab, or, with the VPN client installed on your personal device, you may also connect to resources inside the lab.

Wireless Networks

There are two wireless networks available for users and guests:

  • UCAR Visitor
  • UCAR VPN Clients

UCAR Visitor is a guest network that allows access to the web and resources outside of the lab.

UCAR VPN Clients requires a UCAR VPN client on the wireless device, and allows access to resources both inside and outside the lab. The network is available across the campus for use by staff and visitors, on UCAR owned or personal devices.

Remote Connections

For connecting to the CGD Network from a remote location, view the page below.

CGD Remote Connections

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