Day 3 of the Perdigao IOP.   Weather fine and very warm, with scattered thin cirrus and light winds.

3 Soundings launched today, 0UT, 6UT, and 18UT - the 12UT sounding was skipped due to the change over from the van to the office trailer - which finally arrived around noon.  We had to dismantle the van setup to make room for the trailer,.   The truck turned out to be too large to get to our prefered location at the sounding site.  Instead the trailer was loaded to a point close to the main valley road where the crane truck could reach, up the hill from the Helium and sounding antenna.  (The second trailer, destined for the Notre Dame site, was returned to the supplier since their site is too remote for delivery by such a large truck).  Power was run to the trailer and sounding equipment was set up in time for the 18 UTC sounding.  The DM computer, surface met and network are not yet installed and we are aiming to start on those tomorrow.

Holger arrived in time for the 18 UTC sounding.

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