How to recommend resources to the National Science Digital Library

The NSDL welcomes users to suggest new material for the library. The process for doing this is simple: fill out the Recommend a Resource Form at The form will ask you to enter the URL (all resources in the NSDL are online webpages, located at a URL). You will also need to provide the resource title and a quick description. 

All suggestions must undergo a review process which may take up to four weeks. Resources are evaluated based on the NSDL's Collection Policy and Collection Development Blueprint (documents available from the Policies page). If the resource passes the review process, it will appear in one of the general collections at such as the Biological Sciences Gateways and Resources collection, the Engineering and Technology Gateways and Resources collection, etc., depending on subject.

Using this form is good for suggesting fewer than ten individual URLs for the library. If you have more than that, you will probably want to consider Contributing a collection. This will give your resources more visibility and will allow them to appear together as their own group rather than part of a much larger general collection. You will need to provide your e-mail address (which will be kept confidential) in order to submit this description.

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