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1 Comment

  1. 29July19

    ADS Tech: Kyle & Richard

    Takeoff: 15:22

    Landing: 17:13

    Seeing some VCSEL housekeeping variables but not a DP.  This is expected. rserial into it's serial channel and see a DP.  Thirdish' variable from the right. Serial stream is off after back from a firmware update from Southwest Sciences. We expect to get it's dewpoint in aeros by the time we leave for Costa Rica.

    Seeing left and forward camera but not a right camera. Richard saw the right camera itermittently. Eventually, all cameras were showing. There was no fix.  They were all being recorded the whole flight. Down looking camera is not being displayed at this point but is being recorded.

    Restarted nimbus after Chris W. requested to fix TASX.