
Steve, Matt, and Justin moved t0, while Gary sat in the trailer working on iss systems stuff, and Delia stayed at the hotel to attend meetings and the intern workshop.


Hot and clear.  Windy in the afternoon.  We survived a direct hit by a dust devil yesterday afternoon.  (See ISFS blog for more details.)


Students launched at 10am and 3pm local.  No problems.


Matt checked:

(tick) water level in lidar is good

(tick) web plots, except for lidar plots which were not working (see below)

(tick) checked real-time lidar displays

(tick) 449 power: 2.83 A.

Cameras are working, but images are not yet being downloaded automatically.


Lidar lenses last cleaned by Bill, next cleaning planned Tuesday, Aug 1.

NR01: next cleaning planned Tuesday, Aug 1

Other notes:

The 449 profiler was down for several hours early in the morning when too many HawkEye processes started hanging until the process limit was hit.  Gary rebooted iss1, ran a system package update (unrelated to the hanging processes), and restarted the 449.  Isabel has been working on resolving the problems with HawkEye in the lidar processing.

Nagios has been setup on iss2 and checks are slowly being cleaned up checks on iss1 and iss2.  There are still some checks failing due to unknown data files (mostly related related to work in progress to download camera images), and iss catalog.

There is also a Temperature Zone 2 failing check on iss2.  Probably that is just a missing limit configuration, but it has not bee investigated yet.

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1 Comment

  1. The current state of the windcube lidar is that all processing is working, except for HawkEye for RHI scans. So, on the plot pages, HawkEye PPI scans (velocity and beta), VAD and consensus daily plots, and vertical scan daily plots should all be updating. On nagios, all lidar categories should be green except for hawkeye RHI beta and hawkeye RHI velocity.

    As a side note, the nagios check that's failing on iss1 for merge/raw/nidas isn't a problem, we're just not generating merge files. I'm working on getting rid of that check.