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  1. Performed CDP Cals.

    Cleaned mirrors on 2D probes - End Diode Voltages on both significantly improved.

    Blew out pressure lines in Radome.

    Blew out both DPL and DPR. DPR still in 'Service Mirror' mode when powered ON so it was removed and cleaned. DPR able to reach dew point after cleaning.

    Temp probe flushed with water.

    RICE - we did an initial test of the RICE with the 2D probe ON to make sure we could recreate the noise. We were able to do this twice. Then ALL signals to the Diamond Analog card were lost. Somehow I was able to pop the Analog card while troubleshooting. I feel the rain and humidity today did not help matters.

    Swapped out the Analog card and all the noise went away... Did not matter if I had the extra diode voltage signals coming from the 2D probe connected or not. Left these signals disconnected as they may cause an issue in the future. RICE looks good on the ground with the 2D probe powered ON. The true test will be during the next research flight.