Wednesday August 23.Lidar operater Bruce

Arrived at the site about 0800 PDT - the ground is still not dry and dusty - still showing the effects of TS Hilary


Looking toward the airport and M2HATS site as soon as you can see the airport after leavingTonopah 0800 PDT

A haze layer can be observed on the far side of the valley.

At ~ 0815 PDT looking at the array from the lidar the haze can be observed across the valley.

Very calm with temperature in the high 50s.

Looking east from the lidar at 1115 PDT

Looking West from the lidar at 1115 PDT

Wind starting to pick up but the ground is still showing sign of dampness from TS Hilary

Data collection starts at about 1130 PDT after a 30 minute warmup

Still very clean atmosphere

Dust being generated by vehicles driving out to the array.

MPD03 shows that there is still a lot of moisture from TS Hilary in the soil.

System shut down by Bruce at 1600 PDT

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