02/08/2012 @ KCLE

03:15 UTC -
WX Scenario:

Frontal passage through the Ohio Valley causes northerly flow across Lake Erie.  The airmass affecting KCLE behind the front becomes weakly unstable.


IHL calls our significant areal extent of freezing drizzle at the time of the MOG PIREP, and no SLW.  NIRSS has light-moderate severities within 10 minutes of the PIREP.  The NIRSS Ka-band radar detects multiple weak layers of cloud up to 7000 ft AGL, some of which the NEXRAD is missing completely.  No surface precipitation is detected at this time (meteogram).

PIREP: 'CRJ2 LPR UA /OV CLE270010 /TM 0305 /FL030 /TP CRJ2 /TA M01 /IC MOD RIME'

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15:52 UTC -
WX Scenario:

Light snow showers at the surface around the time of this 'null' PIREP.  Low level flow still northerly off the unfrozen lake.


Theory is that pilot recognizes the look of icing clouds around him/her but does not see icing on the plane during departure from KCLE do to the broken nature of the IFI, as detected by IHL.

PIREP: 'UA /OV CLE060008 /TM 1550 /FL009 /TP B733 /SK OVC009-TOP030 /TA UNKN /IC NEG /RM DURC'

No PING data for this date and time.

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