
User metpme on the workstaion saudi-c3-ws2 holds the configuration files to run IDV. It copies over model data from saudi-c3 to view in IDV, and scrubs after 2 weeks.

Crontab entries

5,20,35,50 * * * * killall; /home/metpme/bin/ >& /home/metpme/log/rsync_grib.log
# copies model output (grib format) from currently-running model on saudi-c3.

25,55 * * * * killall; /home/metpme/bin/ >& /home/metpme/log/rsync_netcdf.log
# copies model output (netcdf format) from currently-running model on saudi-c3.

40 2,8,14,20 * * * /home/metpme/bin/ >& /home/metpme/log/create_links.log
# Creates links to latest model output data for IDV to have a consistent naming convention.

30 2 * * * /home/metpme/bin/ >& /home/metpme/log/scrub_grib.log
# scrubs grib output older than two weeks.

35 2 * * * /home/metpme/bin/ >& /home/metpme/log/scrub_netcdf.log
# scrubs netcdf output older than five days.


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