A quiet day with clear skies, light haze, and warmer still with a high in the low 50’s.  IOP 6 concluded today at noon.

ISS1 – All systems still running nominally.  Profiler status this morning: @ 1022 100m: 4.38A @ 50V & 1.833A @ 32V, and @1030 150m rass: 3.53A @ 50V & 1.878 A @ 32 V.

ISS2 – No issues again today with all green on the Nagios.

ISFS – Nothing to report on the tower side today.

Soundings – Launched nominal sounding at 4:16 pm today without any issues.  There was a sonde that would not connect with the MW41 at today’s 1015 launch.  I retried the sonde this afternoon with no luck.  The sonde is on the table to the right of the system with the failed sonde from the other day.  We depleting another helium cylinder at this afternoon’s sounding.  There are 2 full cylinders remaining.

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