05/12/2013 @ KCLE

17:52 UTC -
WX Scenario:

A shortwave trough over the Great Lakes and flow from over Lake Erie kicks off weak instability and convection over KCLE.


Rain and ice pellets detected at surface near time of MOG PIREP.  NIRSS detected ILW spikes and MOG icing severity near time of MOG PIREP associated with the cellular nature of the lake enhanced IFI. 

PIREP: ' C56X BJJ UA /OV BSV270020 /TM 1752 /FL090 /TP C56X /TA M07 /IC MOD RIME'

18:08 UTC -

Rain and ice pellets detected at surface near time of MOG PIREP. NIRSS detected ILW spikes and MOG icing severity near time of MOG PIREP.

PIREP: ' B190 BJJ UA /OV CLE180020 /TM 1808 /FL070 /TP B190 /TA UNKN /TB MOD /IC MOD RIME /RM DURD'

20:24 UTC -

Rain and ice pellets detected at surface near time of MOG PIREP. NIRSS detected ILW spikes and MOG icing severity near time of MOG PIREP. 

PIREP: ' B733 CLE UA /OV CLE180015 /TM 2024 /FL065 /TP B733 /TA M01 /IC MOD RIME 100-060 /RM DURD'

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