Cloud clearing and gradually becoming warmer. This was the last day for the initial setup crew (Bill, John, Liz & Lou), although Gary will remain to work on the software side and assist the ISFS crew. 

Today we started at the profiler site where Liz drew a site plan (see separate entry), John did an inventory of sensors, Lou worked on tidying up the site, Bill installed a WiFi camera to monitor the site and a Purple Air sensor to measure aerosols concentrations.  At the Railway site, we installed the GPS Water Vapor sensor, added the wiper fluid container to the wind lidar, a WiFi camera to monitor the lidar, set up the Data Manager computer in the ISFS base trailer, and met with PI Eric Pardyjak.

Installing the GPS Water Vapor sensor and working on the Wind Lidar

Most of the hardware side of the ISS setup is complete except for the sounding site adjacent to the DC Supersite.  Unfortunately, this site still doesn't have power due to delays with the electrical contractor.  The ISS components there will be the MW41 sounding system, a 3m surface met tower with Lufft WS800 and PTB200, and a CL61 ceilometer.  These items will be installed by Bill, Lou, and Isabel in January.

The ISS1 trailer and sensors at the North Pivot site

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