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  1. November 13, 2019

    Inspected Pressure Drain Lines in Radome...no moisture. Inserted cotton swab in ADIFR openings...no moisture.

    Cleaned DPR. Tested after cleaning - good.

    Swapped CPU in RWO DSM. (Trying to track down reboot issue which happens on ascent)

    RWO DSM functioning properly after being reinstalled, including RICE.

    Performed Auto A/D Cal. All channels good except previously noted offset as follows:

    DSM 304; A/D 1605; Ch. 0; Dummy

    2014 Nov 20 = -0.166

    2019 Nov 13 = -0.331

    OFFSET = 0.165

  2. Swapped Vulcan CPU, S# 00570, in RWO DSM with S# 00575 CPU.