Meeting Notes: 07 Feb 2005

NCAR Mesa Lab, Damon Conference Room, 9:00 to 12:00

  • TBD, please add any items you would like to discuss below

9:00 to 10:45 Presentations (15-20 minutes each)

  • revise draft agenda
  • Eddy Flux and SIPNET status and preliminary results (Bill Sacks and Russ Monson)
  • ACME-STILT analyses (Britt Stephens, Bill Sacks, John Lin)
  • CME status and preliminary results (Jielun Sun, Steve Oncley, Sean Burns)
  • CDAM status and preliminary results (Dennis Ojima and Becky McKeown)
  • RAMS/RAMDAS status and preliminary results (Tomi Vukicevic, Xylina Warren-Laird, Stephan de Wekker)
  • MCR applications for ACME (Mark Tschudi)
    10:45 to 11:00 Break
    11:00 to 12:00 Future Directions
  • No labels