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  1. 5Aug22
    Tech: Kyle
    Takeoff: 01:03
    Landing: 08:16

    2DS V channel is much less noisy this flight. H channel diode voltages dropped significantly during flight. H channel still noisy. V channel diode voltages dropped as well. RH is around 15%. Bumped up heater setpoint at 3:28. Before, setpoints of H and V Arms were 5 and Lasers were 20. After, set to 10 and 30 respectfully.  Probe failed around 3:40. Disengaged 400Hz and 28V breakers to the probe. Engaged and restarted software. Probe came back with temperatures looking waaaay better. I think the 400Hz breaker wasn't fully engaged from the start. Set heater thresholds back to their original settings. The spare is on base somewhere. Hopefully get it on soon.