The Atmosphere Model Working Group (AMWG) Diagnostics Framework (ADF) is an automated diagnostic package written in Python, aimed to be used to evaluate and benchmark simulation output from CESM. Here, we describe diagnostics associated with atmospheric chemistry.

The ADF package can be downloaded at

Detailed instructions on how to use it can be found here:

To use the chemistry evaluation, you will need to checkout the branch: TBD

Our current atmospheric chemistry diagnostic development plans/wishlist (view on GitHub: are:

DiagnosticExample Plot/ResultGithub Issue

1. Chemistry/Aerosol budget Tables

Tables / Chemistry of ANN global budgets

2. Zonal Average comparisons between model runs.

Vertical Contour Plots contour plots of DJF, MAM, JJA, SON and ANN zonal means

List of species to evaluate: TBD

3. Ozone climatology comparison to observations

Profiles, seasonal cycles and Taylor diagrams - pull request initiated for integration into ADF.

4. Column comparison to satellite observations

Lat/lon comparisons for
(a) MOPITT carbon monoxide
(b) OMI/MLS ozone

(a) CO:

(b) O3:

(c) AOD:

5. Vertical profile comparisons to observations

(a) NOAA aircraft campaigns

6. Surface comparisons to observations

(a) IMPROVE network

WACCM ADF Goals (based on these comparisons

  1. QBO
  2. Zonal Mean U winds and Transform Eulerian Mean (TEM) of winds
  3. Water Vapor (tape recorder) and temperature time series at 100 hPa in the tropics (compare with MLS)
  4. Temperature: NH Polar 
  5. Temperature: SH Polar
  6. Temperature: Dec Zonal Mean (against MERRA and SABER)
  7. Temperature: June Zonal Mean (against MERRA and SABER)
  8. Ozone diagnostics for lower stratosphere (ozone hole)
  • No labels