Weather: Low stratus early followed by nimbostratus throughout the afternoon. Rain began around 13:00 and was heavy at times. Transitioned to wintery mix/snow at 14:30.


  • There was an IOP last night. We have not yet heard how it went.
  • Started the morning with a visit to MUTI-Sabre Industries Telecom Services. A couple of weeks ago, Steve and Hendrik noticed a winch up trailer tower in their yard while on the way to SAVANT site from the hotel. They dropped in but no one was able to meet with them at that time. We decided to give it another shot. Met with their VP of Operations Barry Schlickman. He showed us two towers, an AllTech 150' and and a ITS 100'. Both are about ten years old and have been used as temporary platforms for telecom equipment. The insight he provided into issues and benefits of these types of platforms was quite valuable.
  • Hendrik checked the raw data files and found the USB speed change seemed to be working. Performed the change to the remainder of the DSMs.
  • Checked streams at SODAR trailer. 0.5m TRH at Init Tower (DSM initb, usb2) was down. The sensor still appeared to be streaming data but it was hex and seemingly much longer than a TRH message. This would repeat about once every two seconds. Switched the SHT probe and power cycled the port but this incorrect message format continued. Finally after a power cycle of the DSM, TRH started transmitting normally.
  • Ordered ten more DEKA 8G-24M batteries for station power
  • Hendrik continued his soil moisture probe calibration experiment
  • Continued with Base Trailer deep clean
  • All the corn around the swale has been harvested. Reconnected the release tower mote.

It is still snowing but there is sun in the forecast for tomorrow. We plan on cleaning NR01s and EC150s if conditions permit.

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